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Effective assistance of a car accident lawyer

In our fast-paced times, no one is surprised by the large number of cars on the roads. The age of speed requires a quick response to any changes. That's why people are in a hurry to be in time, accelerating their cars. However, haste has a very negative impact on motorist safety. No one can give any convincing guarantee that even if they strictly follow the rules of the road, such a law-abiding driver will not become a victim of an accident - a victim of another driver.

In such a case, an experienced road accident lawyer who knows the intricacies of the law and can easily navigate various road situations can provide effective assistance. At a critical moment, only a car accident lawyer can effectively participate on your side in relations with official authorities, insurers and other parties to an accident. Only a qualified specialist has enough experience and practical skills to resolve a hopeless situation in favor of his client.

It is very important for a motorist not to get confused during an accident and to entrust the representation of his or her rights to a law firm specializing in road accidents in a timely manner.

Widely known company "AutoJurist Kyiv" is able to provide effective representation of your interests on any issues related to legal assistance in case of an accident. We will take care of all the burdens of administrative red tape, saving you from the inevitable stress and panic that accompany the entire process of resolving the situation.

Having become a participant in a road accident, we recommend that you do not hesitate to call the company "AutoYurist", order a visit to the scene of an accident in Kyiv. Kyiv of a car lawyer to protect your interests, which will save you from many troubles associated with an accident.

Prompt and timely consultation of a car accident lawyer by phone immediately after the accident will give you a clear understanding of what information should be provided to the police and what should be discussed with your opponent, representatives of insurance companies.

Model of behavior for a road accident participant

Before the arrival of a specialist of the company "AutoJurist Kyiv", the participant of the accident should follow the necessary rules of behavior and clearly know their rights. Until the help of a lawyer in an accident arrives, do the following:

1.      Take as detailed pictures of the accident scene as possible, the location of the vehicles in relation to each other, visible damage to the cars of the participants, their license plates;

2.      be sure to take a photo of the insurance policy of the culprit of the accident, the technical passport and driver's license;

3.     Provide other participants of the event with your phone number, the coordinates of your insurance company and your insurance policy details;

4.     be sure to call the insurance company and report the insured event;

5.     Stay at the scene of the accident until the arrival of the police, do not move the car or other objects related to the accident.

Consultation with a car lawyer

The specialty of a car accident lawyer in Ukraine is gaining more and more popularity due to its demand. Competent and qualified advice from an accident lawyer, received in a timely and efficient manner, will save you from many problems and prevent additional losses. Refrain from signing a protocol on an administrative offense and a scheme of a traffic accident until a car accident lawyer in Kyiv has arrived. Kyiv. In a stressful situation, you will not be able to understand all the procedural intricacies of documenting and processing an accident, and signing documents whose content is not entirely clear can lead to serious problems.

Lawyer in Kyiv in case of an accident

The lawyers and lawyers of the company "AutoYurist" have a diverse legal practice and can successfully apply the accumulated experience to successfully solve your problems. A competent lawyer in the event of an accident in Kyiv is vital at all stages of considering the consequences of an accident, up to the compensation of damages by the guilty party. In no case should you be persuaded by other parties to the accident to settle the case "amicably", always insist on a legal way to resolve the conflict with the execution of the necessary procedural documents.

A professional car accident lawyer, whose advice is sometimes worth its weight in gold, can successfully represent both the injured and the guilty party in the process. Either party has the right to assert their rights in court and claim compensation for material and non-pecuniary damage. This is where a car accident lawyer comes to the rescue, monitoring the legality of the actions of the parties to the accident and the officials involved in identifying the perpetrators.

The culprit of the accident and the victim have the right to professional legal assistance, which no one has the right to prohibit.

Any participant in a road traffic accident has the right to legal assistance, both at the scene of the accident and during the court hearing, pre-trial investigation, at the insurance company, and during the assessment of damage. However, in order to avoid negative consequences related to prosecution, loss of property, payment for treatment, etc., it is important to contact a lawyer with the appropriate qualifications in a timely manner.

You should not risk your property, driver's license, or even your freedom by letting the resolution of an accident case take its course. Trust the specialists of the company "AvtoYurist", who will best ensure the protection of your interests at all stages of proceedings in cases related to road accidents. We are always on guard for your interests.

Answers to common questions

  • I am the culprit of an accident, what should I do?

It is very important to remain calm in such cases. This will help to analyze and control what is happening, take into account the circumstances and all the little things. After realizing what happened, first of all you need to check if there are victims. If there is, call an ambulance. Next, you must place an emergency stop sign. After that, you should call the police. To protect yourself from more negative consequences, it is best to seek help from a qualified lawyer who will advise you and competently explain further actions. And remember that in such situations every little thing is important, so it is better that everything stays in its place.

  • Left the scene of the accident, what is the danger?

In any case, leaving the culprit of the accident at the scene is a bad idea, which only makes the situation worse. It is impossible to give an unequivocal answer regarding the consequences. It all depends on the situation. In such a case, the culprit may face heavier administrative or even criminal liability. A particularly important role is played by the presence or absence of victims who need medical assistance.

If it still happened that the culprit left the scene of the accident, the best solution would be to seek qualified legal assistance.

  • What is the European traffic accident protocol?

The European protocol is a special document about a road accident, which the drivers involved in the event draw up themselves without the involvement of the police. In the future, the Europrotocol is presented to the insurance company as a basis for payment of compensation. The driver receives the Europrotocol form from the insurance company when concluding the contract.

The Europrotocol can be used not in all cases, but under the conditions of the absence of people in need of medical assistance, the drivers' consent to the circumstances, the presence of motor vehicle policies, the absence of alcohol, drug intoxication, or the influence of medications.

  • How to win a road accident lawsuit?

Unfortunately, there is no single answer to how to win in court. Each situation is different and has its own peculiarities and nuances. Many factors can affect the course of the case and there are no guarantees of winning.< But, regardless of whether you are the victim or the culprit of a traffic accident, the help of a qualified specialist will in any case increase your chances of victory or a more favorable court decision. Therefore, it will be best to contact an experienced lawyer who will competently advise and accompany you.

  • What is moral damage in a road accident?

Non-pecuniary damage in a road accident is a loss suffered by the victim that is not of a material nature. Moral damage can be caused by both physical and moral suffering. Moral damage is compensated by the insurance company, as a rule, if the victim suffered severe physical pain during the road accident, which was caused by various mutilations of the body.

Moral damages are compensated in the same way to the relatives of the deceased in a road accident. In rare cases, the perpetrator of the accident may be compensated for moral damages caused by damage or destruction of the vehicle.

  • The culprit of the traffic accident does not have an OSCPV, what to do?

In order for the situation to be resolved in the most favorable way for you, it is necessary to follow a series of consecutive actions.

The most important thing for you in this case is to get victim status. Therefore, the first thing you need to do is call the police. Also, you should record everything that happens yourself - take a photo or make a video recording of the place of the accident, damage to the vehicle, its location. See if there are any witnesses or cameras nearby. When the police arrive, it is necessary to explain honestly and in detail what happened. It is very important that you are recorded as a victim in the protocol. Use as honest and persuasive arguments as possible. Take a photo of the protocol, diagram, description. After you have collected all possible materials, contact the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.

  • Got into an accident, what to do with insurance?

If you have been involved in an accident, you should call your insurance company without leaving the scene, give your policy number, describe everything that happened, and then follow all the instructions of the insurer, if any. It is also mandatory to notify the insurer in writing about the accident within three days, to indicate where the vehicle is, what the damage is, your phone number and address.

  • What to do in case of an accident in the parking lot?

First of all, check whether you or the other driver are not injured, killed, or need an ambulance. Provide assistance if needed. Don't forget to put the emergency sign as well. Then you need to call the police. It is very important that everything stays in its place, so it is better not to touch anything. Any little thing can be very important.

Also we advise you to record the scene of the incident, the position of the vehicle, its damage on a photo or video recording. Take the contacts of the other driver. And don't forget to report the accident to your insurance company. Also, under certain conditions, you can do without calling the police by drawing up a European protocol.

  • What to do if the insurance company does not pay out after a traffic accident?

If the insurance company of the person responsible for the accident does not pay you insurance compensation, you must first file a claim with the same insurance company. It is best to communicate with the insurer in writing. In case of further inactivity of the SC, write a complaint to the MTSU. Such a complaint can be a good motivation for payment. However, this does not always work. In this case, it remains only to write a lawsuit to the court.

Remember that no matter where you write, in order to achieve a positive result, the document, be it a claim, a complaint, or a lawsuit, must be drafted as competently and well-founded as possible. A qualified lawyer can help you with this and greatly simplify the process.

  • >Why do you need a traffic accident certificate?

An insurance company or MTSU may need a certificate about an accident to make an insurance payment. Such a certificate is issued by the relevant bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on the basis of a written request.

  • What to do in case of a road accident with victims?

First of all, check and make sure that the victims are okay. If necessary, provide first aid and call an ambulance. Post an emergency sign and call the police. Do not touch anything, let everything remain in its place. Capture everything in a photo or video. If there are victims, we advise you to seek help from a lawyer, and the sooner, the better. Everything should be recorded as accurately and in detail as possible. The police will provide you with a whole list of documents. Therefore, to avoid unnecessary mistakes, try to have the lawyer arrive earlier than the police.

  • How to correctly write a receipt that I have no claims for a road accident?

In order for the receipt on the absence of claims to have legal force, it must be drawn up correctly. The receipt "I have no claims" must contain the name of the document, the date of preparation and the main text of any form. In the main text, passport data, place of residence and registration of the parties, their contact data, as well as information about cars are indicated. Next, you need to describe the circumstances and the result of the agreement reached. The last is the signatures of the participants in the accident.

  • Is a diagnostic card necessary for a road accident?

The information contained in the diagnostic card is the result of checking the technical condition of the car. This document is required to issue an insurance policy. In the event of an accident, a diagnostic card can be useful for obtaining insurance compensation.

  • Road accident in the yard, what to do

In the event of an accident in the yard, the same rules must be followed as in the case of accidents in other places.

Check for casualties and call an ambulance if necessary. Post an emergency sign and call the police. If there are no victims and the drivers have come to an agreement on the circumstances of the accident, you can independently register the accident by drawing up a European report. If the culprit has disappeared, check if there are CCTV cameras or witnesses nearby. We recommend that you also record the place of the accident, damage to the car. And don't forget to report what happened to your insurance company./p>

  • What to do in case of a road accident abroad

Regardless of the seriousness of the accident, the first thing you need to do is check whether there are any victims and whether anyone needs medical help. Next, you should post an emergency sign, turn on the emergency alarm and call the police. We also recommend taking a photo or video recording of the accident site, car damage, etc. Collect all possible contacts of the participants in the accident, information about their transport, and if you are the culprit, the victim will need to give a copy of the Green Card or provide information about it. Get a certificate from the police about the circumstances of the accident. And be sure to report the accident to your insurance company with which the "Green Card" contract was concluded.

User reviews

Sergey K.

A huge thank you to the team of "Avtoyurist" for their help in drafting a claim against the insurance company, assistance in court and high-quality, extensive consultations. Competently, professionally, consistently. Prices for services correspond to their quality. I recommend!

Maria M.

The most effective assistance in an accident is the services of an accident lawyer. Not every driver knows how to behave in the event of an accident. This happened to me, and since the at-fault driver was not insured, I had no idea whether I would be able to compensate for the damage to my car. Fortunately, I found and turned to the company "Avtoryurist" for help in time. Qualified specialists recovered the money for car repairs in my favor. I am very happy!

Ksenia R.

After the accident, I found myself in a situation where the insurance company transferred money for car repairs to the service station's account, and the latter, in turn, refused to repair the car... and pay compensation. In response to my long letters demanding a refund, I received formal replies in which the insurance company and the service station shifted responsibility to each other. I decided to look for those who would solve this problem! And I found a team of lawyers, thanks to their professional and attentive approach, I received the amount of insurance compensation and a penalty in court. My rights as a consumer were fully restored!

Volodymyr E.

A few months ago I got into an accident. Since it was the first time this had happened to me, I was stunned. Of course, in such circumstances, a person is not able to objectively, reasonably and logically assess the situation, analyze the documents that need to be signed, and remain calm. I immediately called the company "Avtoyurist" (I found it on Google) and the lawyer arrived at the scene very quickly. Over the phone, I immediately received minimal advice on how to behave with the police. Upon arrival, the lawyer ensured that the protocol was drawn up objectively, was attentive to all the details, immediately contacted the insurance company representative, as a result of which I received high-quality protection of my rights and insurance compensation.

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